Sunday, 30 December 2012


Reincarnating in this new world,
I get to hear noises galore,
Though i made out that some were pensive voices,
But there were others with opposite choices.

As i tore the cocoon and plunged into the stream,
I saw my face in the broken mirror of self-esteem,
And when my soul was beginning to settle,
An ominous loud thud begged to prove my mettle.

The devil hath arrived with its arms and ammunitions,
With rituals and rites and customs and traditions,
They sought to tear me apart even when i was enveloped,
But the blessings of the cocoon had me protected,
Since it was defeated by our resolute,
It had returned to seek what i refute.

It wanted me to be dead as i was born,
But why was i the one to be scorned?
I have not even set my foot here,
I have not even uttered a word to hear,
I have not seen the smiles i bring,
I have not yet fulfilled any need,
Yet you have decided to pluck me out like a weed??
I have not troubled my mom yet,
I have not become my daddy’s princess,
I have not bothered my brother yet,
I have still not wetted my petite bed.....

What is my mistake you are punishing for?
What is your right to perform this devilish chore?
Do i not have any say?
And how could you decide whether i had to stay?

When i was coming down to earthly hell,
Mr. white beard cared something to tell,
He gave me all the goodie goodie things,
And told me to descend from the heavens.
Nipping the bud is not what i had been taught,
Frowning upon my birth is not what i had expected,
The heavens had said i was going to a good place,
And i would always remain under HIS caring gaze.
But my heart sank as i landed here,
the searing looks, The scowling faces,
The clenched fists that banged against the benches,
The despondent hands that went to the forehead,
The brows that frowned, the expressions that feigned,
The whole face that depicted the holocaust reign.

Please let me live......
I do not have anything to bribe,
But i do have my resolute to thrive,
I do have my innocence to prove,
That i am not a burden but a fluke,
I am not the harbinger of worldly misdeed,
But the root to grow another seed.....

PUNYASLOK RATH(29/05/2012)

Friday, 16 November 2012

Till I Find You....

Till i find you

I will wait till I find you,
may be in my dreams,
may be in my screams,
but I’ll search wherever I can,
‘coz I’m sure for me He’s got a plan.

I might bump into others on the route,
Think that they were your silhouette,
Not because I want to be deviated from you,
Not because there are only a few,(as good as you)
But only because you make me realise,
That i deserve much better & you are my prize.

I’ll wait till I find you,
May be in a restaurant,
Staring at me from distant,
May be we would both be on separate dates,
Till we figure out we are soul mates,
I might take time to see this,
But you would know how stupid i can be,
And hit me on my head when saying those words,
Which i should ideally be saying bending on my knee.

May be you will find me sitting on the marine drive being a vella,
And come to me like Princess Cinderella,
Or maybe i will meet you today at school,
Writing my name on the bench with you,
I might be romancing other girls, might be busy or even might get heartbroken....
But I’ll wait..........till find you.
                                                            PUNYASLOK RATH(16-11-12)

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

कल की तय्यारी

this is what happens when you see your rumies packing their bags and you are forced to study for a 70-mark internal!!!!

कल की तय्यारी

हो रही  है कल की तय्यारी ,

भाड़ में जाये ये  दुनिया सारी ,

इंतज़ार कर रही हैं अम्मा हमारी,

राह देख रहे हैं बापू हमारे,

लाये हैं पकवान ढेर सारे ,

लल्लू  ठेले वाले की अल्लू की टिक्की ,

और मुच्छढ  चाचा की टेढ़ी जलेबी,

रास न आए मुझे हॉस्टल का खाना,

तीन साल से चल रहा है वजन  गवाना ,

वैसे तो  हम खली के हाथ जितने मोटे थे,

दुनिया की नज़र में सिक्के खोटे थे,

पर इन हॉस्टल वालों ने ऐसे धुलाई किया,

न जाने tide, surf excel या washing powder nirma  का उपयोग किया,

घिस-घिस के वजन का तो पता नहीं,

पर दिमाग का दही ज़रूर बन गया !!

चार साल बाद जब कॉलेज से बाहर निकलेंगे ,

तो दुनिया वाले पूछेंगे, " नौकरी करने कहाँ चले?",

अब नौकरी हो तभी तो दिखाऊँ ,

अपनी खली पॉकेट का दुखड़ा में किसे सुनाऊँ ?

भैया recession का है घोर कलयुग ,

उसमे कपिल सिब्बल  बोले और IIT खोलो,

अबे  जितने manufactured  engineer  हैं,

पहले  उन्हें तो किसी में भर्ती  करा लो!!!

वैसे तो मनमोहन की सरकार की सोनिया ने ले राखी  है,

और उसके पीछे भी ममता हाथ धोके पीछे पड़ी है,

इन सब से सीख ये मिलती है प्यारे ,

की इस ज़माने में लड़कियों ने हमारी मार रखी है!!

अब इस दुनिया की हम और क्या करें बात ,

करना शुरू करें तो बीत जायेगी  रात,

ये दुनिया है मोह और माया,

इस दुनिया के वासियों पर है मायावति का साया ,

अब भाड़ में जाये दुनिया सारि ,

घर पे इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं बापू हमारे,

राह देख रही हैं अम्मा हमारी,

चलो करें कल की तय्यारी ,

घर जाने को कल की तय्यारी ।।
                                                 PUNYASLOK RATH(15-10-2012)

Saturday, 22 September 2012

A chat with GOD

A chat with GOD

A fine morning with my alarm buzzing,
God visited me with a sacramental hissing,
Like a typical Bollywood masala flick,
I folded my hands and touched his feet,
And asked him on the top of my voice,
“How has here the heavens descended?
Has some random chick complained? (*wink*)
Or do you come by your own choice??”
“Khaaaamosh!!!!!!” he said in the shatrughan sinha style,
“in the heavens i read your file.
You tiny creature, you talk too high,
It is me, who made friendship,
And when with them, you challenge my might??!!
What do you think are friends of thee??!!!
They are not God, they are not me!!”
“errr...dear God, if i may interrupt,
Can i tell you what i think of my friends??”
“it better be good, it better be clean,
Tell me exactly what do they mean.”
Ok. Here it goes....

A bunch of retards,
A flock of mallards.
A drum without a membrane,
A photo without a frame.
A broken scooter,
A silent hooter.
A limited connectivity wi-fi,
A six fingered hi-five.
A damaged gramophone,
A baraat party in a mourn.
The kindergarten’s howl,
The sawariya towel.
An ever-leaking tap,
A himesh reshamiya without a cap.
A novel without an author,
A bald harry potter.
A poonam pandey movie,
A classical song gone groovy.

That’s what friends mean,
Never what you want,
Never what you think,
Never what you ask,
But all that you need.
They are a cluster of mismatch,
But with you they form a tiny patch,
Of unique understanding and bond,
Of being in happy and sorrow,
Call them today or morrow.
In your sweet world,
Where people come with statutory warning,
Of changing their colour with their meaning..
I found a bunch of epileptics,
Who can make me laugh,
Even on the day of apocalypse!!
Patiently hearing me till i had said,
The almighty God now sat on my bed,

“now i see the reason for your stubborn,
Now i see the reason you challenge my might..
But since i am angry,
I ought to give you a treat,
And you are late to the director’s class,
Since it’s already eight!!”
And lo!!!holy mother of shit!!!
God turned into an alarm clock,
When my friend kicked me in my butt!!
“i’m going, you sleeping princess,
Best of luck attending the class,
If at all you can save your ass!!!”
                                   PUNYASLOK RATH(22-09-12)

Sunday, 12 August 2012


“Well,then define your perfect day!!” my mom said.....and at this point of time i had already ran through hundreds of wish-lists and events in my mind to make my day a perfect one....but alas......with every new second my voracious mind would come up with something better!!  “come faster” mother now saw me with a crooked smile......mothers i tell you, with all the experience they can simply play safe even when you think that you have got them on your hook!!....and the more i thought the more i seemed jumbled to utilise what should have been a lifetime opportunity for me.

And well, that’s the incident which brings me to this topic “A Perfect Day”. I could not define a perfect day to my mother at the instant she called for it. Of course i could have placed demands like “i want to go to the moon” or “i want to buy the latest android phone”....but then it had to be something realistic (those demands would have been realistic for bill gates’ son!!). A day being perfect is a myth. It can always get better than that and there lies the problem. Man, perfection has always been a bitch!! An able friend of mine wrote this article on his blog-“perfectionism is killing”......well, it indeed is!! No matter how much we toil to make a day in our life a perfect one....but at the end of the day it is always something like this-“wish this would have happened too.....would have been much better” the end of the day we find ourselves compromising on some or the other aspects.

In the wake of this question in my mind i decided to interview some of my friends and the answers i got were hilarious indeed.......”i wish i could kill you with a newly bought AK-47!!”(that was a dear friend of mine whom i disturbed him while he was in deep 2 am!!).......
”i would ask for no bounds shopping for the whole day and would buy this and that and this and what not!!”(girls!!!!seriously??)......
”i would like to spent my whole day sitting in front of my computer and play counterstrike”(geeks.....what else to expect??)......
”i would ask my company to promote me and your bhabhi to put a tape on her mouth”(my sweet bro!!:-)).....

“come on....make it faster....i won’t keep waiting for you the whole day” mom was sensing a victory. Soon i was going to lose my bargain power of blackmailing my mom to make me nice dishes and many things additional to that just because i am on a holiday and she was expected to make my holiday a good one....rather a perfect one. And that’s when my devil part of brain sprung into action.......”a movie with you and dad!! Is what i want...” mom first saw me with bewildered eyes then gave the sweetest smile i had seen since i am here. ”Done” she said and went to call dad to book tickets. And obviously she missed out on my crooked plan-“make mom happy and she would do everything without any complaints”(devil me!!!!)

P.S.-we as our parents’ children are always allowed to take the luxury of irritating our parents....aren’t we??

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Story of a WORKAHOLIC!!

I am a workaholic!! I get into my suicidal tendencies when i am not given any work.....i get into acute depression when my brain is stagnant!!! I feel as if the diseases have surrounded me with all their machine guns and snipers fully loaded...waiting to fire at me. The only difference is they just threaten to kill...they do not actually kill. And the period when you anticipate your death is the most dreadful of all. I love being in organization groups. I love planning things out. i love waiting for things to happen as i have planned them. I love to make my brain think.

And i did a grave mistake of conveying this to some of my elders.....they said-“do something creative”........Well, i got many creative ideas- television with repeating ekta-kapoor type serials even on the news channels (i bet you she must have bought the news channels too!!!!) oggy and the cockroaches on “cartoon network”(i gotta be kidding myself!!!), watch the music channels who go on playing the same songs and i get sick of changing channels
c. watch the sports channels which display ”this channel is not available in your package”(they  vend those serial channels so cheap.....and sell the sports channels as if only privileged class people are allowed to see sports!!!) or....
d.i can wash my clothes which are stinking, courtesy my exams!!

My brain is rotting in stagnation!!!!then how am i supposed to think creative????!!!!

And i am not to be mistaken as someone who does loads of work every day.......i am not the great Sherlock Holmes who literally dies when he is out of work. if i got a class at 8.50 in the morning....even though i bunk them....but at night before sleeping i at least plan to bunk or not. That is kind of “work” i am referring to!!!!

Another peculiar thing that i have noticed is-on general days when i have a tight schedule due to my academics, i write much more articles and poems (i am a self-proclaimed writer!!cheers!!)than on the days when i am free. Now what does this say about me?? That i work good under pressure?? No!!!!!it says that i am fucking insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD bless me!!!!!

First i complain that i have no work and take up lots of work. Then the work gets me worked up and i think of giving up the work. But i fail in giving up the work since i love doing work. Then i grumble about the work because i get over-worked. If the work is stripped off me then i loathe being not in work!!!!!

PS-congos if you crossed the fiery article and reached here...... sure would have got your brain “worked up”...;)

Monday, 11 June 2012

“Lost and found: GOD”

this poem is dedicated to all those incarnations of GOD who make this world a lovely place to live in......"MAA"

Oh god! Where are you?
Mom says you are everywhere,
then why can't i see you,
however hard i stare?
Then why do they even care,
About going temples & singing prayer?
Why can’t they decorate my computer like your house?
Why can’t they sing it while watching tom cat & jerry mouse?
Why in temples we pay the priests,
And discard the beggars like some weeds,
Are they not where you reside,
Or is it upon us to decide??

Is it something special in the morning?
That i have to pray in school assembly which is boring.
Is it necessary that we stand in a queue?
As if we are paying something which is due.
I go to the doctor uncle when i’m hurt,
But why at first your name does my mom blurt?
Do you have many bodyguards in your vicinity?
That mom asks you every time for my security.
What did you give my mom in her life?
That she thanks you so much all the time.
Why is that i can’t wear my underwear like superman?
Why did you give him all the powers,
and made me a normal human?
Why do you have so many names?
Are you another Ricky Bahl playing dirty games?

Mom says you control the world,
Then why is the govt. increasing the petrol price?
Why are the black things on a rise?
And why did you let my snowy die??:’(
Oh god! Where are you?
If you are everywhere,
Then why can’t i see you?
Are you a John Cena fan,
Who says “You can’t see me”?
Or are you the ghost in my infancy,
Which never came to kidnap me?
If you are there then prove it to me,
I’ll close my eyes and count one, two, three,
Come and show me your face,
I have many many things to express,
“what have you been doing??”
“uh, MOM...i was just remembering....................YOU”...

Friday, 1 June 2012

BEING 21...!!

DAD: lets go....
Finally the wait was over........wondering what’s all that?? Well, all that is a part of being 21!!!
The other night my family went out to dinner accompanied by another . Among the 7 persons present, 4 were females and 3 were males.......more importantly the males were 40+.....
So, there i was...standing adrift....gazing at the road.....counting the number of cars passing my imaginary toll gate (for free!!)....
My problem was very damn simple- “i am 21....!!”
If you are a guy my age, i guess the above sentence would be self-explanatory. Boy, its hell out there for guys of my age. We are a damned species which are capable of only mingling with our types. It’s an age where you cannot stand by your sister and your mother while they talk to others in their tribe about the never-ending saas-bahu sagas and serials and of course’s an age where you can’t stand by your father talking to his colleagues about work (for god’s sake you are in a break!!!stop talking work!!)’s not the age where you can stand by the li’l boys who do nothing other than making a lot of fake noise while discussing the latest gizmos and WWE......... and certainly not by the girls who, in the whole world, discuss about the count of their dolls and how the one they had was broken by the neighbourhood badmaash!!!!(plz grow up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Our species which has a particular jargon has been the bête noire for those who do not belong to it since time immemorial!!! Unless you have someone in those stupid family meets who knows how it is to be 21, how it is to thrive with the hostile hostel food, how it is to have kick-ass fun with friends, how it is to have girl”friend”-issues, how it is to abuse without any would be bored to a beyond death experience!!
So, next time you are in a situation i was of luck counting the cars!!!...:p
P.S.-i even counted the number of lighting sources......144!!

Sunday, 13 May 2012


You brought me to this place,
And it’s under your caring gaze,
I learned all the tricks and trades,
To live in this world full of spades....

I don’t remember my crying days,
When on your lap i laid,
And you made me eat,
With your tender arms,
With all the patience and infinite charms.....

You played with me when i was bored,
You picked me up when i was thrown,
You made me laugh when i was crying,
You gave me courage when i was triying...
And here i am,old enough to take my care,
But you will always be in my prayer,
I wish you live a hundred years,
And hope those years would be bereft of tears......

You are a bird and i am a feather,
I will always be your part,
As i wish you mother......

Saturday, 28 April 2012

indian railways:har safar me magic!!

As the train left the station, me and my friends after a hectic 3-day visit to berhampur began settling down at the topmost tier........the compartment was brimming with people of all classes......and since it was late night nobody cared making any remarks as generally happens in a train. Just when i was about to close my eyes to a dream of lullaby i was pulled back to life by a gentleman with a loudspeaker-like voice.....he was probably in mid-40s with ruffled hair and a white shirt dipped in brown dust......he was literally shouting-“mui enu basithili”(sambalpuri) which the man sitting on the seat was not responding.......he once again shouted at the top of his voice which probably made the man notice him this time.......he looked at the man in white shirt and gave him a puzzled look and said-“mousa kana hela??”...........
so, there i was sitting in a train where two parts of odisha were trying to communicate over the matter of seat occupancy. Since i happen to know a bit of sambalpuri-accent(thanks to my sambalpuri friends at hostel) i stepped in and did the needful. Soon the thunderous uncle melted down and to my surprise mr.sambalpuri and mr.cuttacki were having a fruitful discussion over family matters in not-so-fluent hindi.

after some time the train stopped at some station (i was too lazy to come down and look at what station it was) and there boarded another gentleman. He took his seat by the side of mr.sambalpuri and asked mr.cuttacki “agyan kuuade parjanta jiba ki he??” .....its not possible to describe the accent over here but it invited puzzled looks from both the uncles sitting there.

so here was a certain mr.berhampuri who was on board with mr.sambalpuri and mr.cuttacki.  Mr.cuttacki initiated a hindi conversation with mr.berhampuri and soon all three of them were having a gala time in their not-so-perfect hindi just like they have met again after ages.

We all would have heard and most certainly read about how Indian railways has played the role of unification of india in our history classes. We would even have observed how different states and cities exist symbiotically for a small time in the Indian railways. But what i was witnessing was the micro-mini version of that unification. Every state has some divides......may be on the basis of accents, or dialects, or style of living etc etc......and the state railways was coercing the amalgamation of the divides. The three uncles may not become the best of friends but they did prove one thing.......we may classify ourselves into a hundred categories.....”fir bhi dil hai Hindustani!!”(or in this case “odishi”)

Friday, 13 April 2012

guide to a girl's vocabulary

A physicist can certainly simplify the theory of parallel universe or the theory of relativity for you......a biologist can certainly explain the complex mechanisms of a biological creature to economics teacher can of course state an intriguing problem of the diabolic economics system in an easy-to-understand way.....but.......none....i repeat....none can ever explain, make easy-to-understand, state, simplify, account, describe, report, distinguish or decipher what goes on in a girl’s ‘emotionally brainiac’ mind!!!

They want a thing, they think the other, they say something else, and they mean none!! Oh yea......welcome to a girl’s mind.....where 2+2 may be 232435423455644534.....(you never know)!! Well, the poor man is many a times the prey of the feigned vocabulary of women. So in this times of great difficulty where global warming is threatening to wipe out the whole human race, where the arms race is blinding the greater notions of sociology in humans, where sheela is getting ”jawan” and munni is getting “badnaam” (sorry chameli.....i decided to go with the originals!!).....the ‘man’kind certainly needs a “girl’s dictionary”-

1-ok.......bye....-if that is said in a falling tone over the phone and your bad luck decides to act such devil as to disconnect the call at that time....then dude, YOU ARE S.C.R.E.W.E.D!! When a girl says so in a sad voice she means-“talk to me damn it else i am gonna kill you!!”. was my fault- and if you ever agree to it what you face next shall be worse than the atom bomb dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Never ever agree that it was her fault......what she actually means is-“you better apologise fast !!”

3-how do i look??- Your only option is to declare that even if Cinderella would have existed, she would have beaten her to the title of miss universe. She does ask for an opinion but she takes only one answer. If you want to be doomed then you may take the risk of vying your other options. Best of luckJ

4-we are just friends- it’s almost an age-old saying!! The Bollywood has repeatedly proved this fact deceptive. Starting from the yesteryear movies like “kuch kuch hota hai” to the recent movie “jane tu ya jane naa” to the even recent movie “mujhse fraandship karoge”.....this genre of Bollywood has sternly established the fact that-‘a guy and a girl can never be the best of friends’. So, next time you happen to hear it from a girl......take your chances....

5-so what’s the big deal??- you may have faced an accident and it may not be a big deal.......but even if a girl has only just witnessed an accident and she says it was a big deal then DO NOT oppose would entitle yourself for another horrible accident if you do so!!

6-i just want sometime alone- nope!! She wants you to be with her till she cries her heart out. Girls may be cunning in manipulation but have hearts of 24 carat gold when it comes to dealing with the ones they love. They would never admit that they need you to be gotta catch the signs....and just be there for your friend J

7-i don’t have a boyfriend- it’s still a mystery as to why a girl generally refuses ‘possessing’ a boyfriend even when she has one. While many girls may disagree.....but that’s the guy verdict i took on this(i personally asked nearly 50 boys!!)

Well, now you have a perfect idea of what to think and what not to do when next time a girl utters any of these phrases.......girls indeed are funny creatures. If you come across any such ”curious case of a girl’s vocabulary” take it as your solemnised duty to share it for the betterment of the ‘man’kind...!!!!

Saturday, 17 March 2012


One fine day sit on the roof with no one except moon and the stars accompanying you......feel the silence and think about you were in your past. The best and worst thing about past is it is the reason of our present. It is the choices and decisions we made then that we are like this now. Now think how you were in the past and how are you now......and you know what would be the most common reaction after the session?? would be-“OMG, i was such an idiot back then!!”......yes......that, my friend, would be the reaction of an average human being.......if that’s not your reaction then i am sure you are extraordinary (no offence!!). We keep evolving with the times.....we mature with our experience. Now the reason for that stupid reaction is that now we are more mature than we were in our past. That’s why we were “idiots” back then but are normal right now. A bit later in future we would term this phase as our “idiot” phase and we would have become normal then...... Truth is we never actually get over our idiot phase......we were and will always remain idiots. When i think about myself 4-5 years back i think “shiiiiii, i was such a dumbass.......i had horrible dressing sense......i never took care of how i looked......always flashed my gums.....yuck!!!!”.....not that now i am an enigmatic persona.....but i have developed what is called a decent personality......though i haven’t developed much in the dressing sense part (my sister still thinks i have a horrible dressing sense!!) the point is.......we will never be perfect for ourselves....those who become perfect live in a myth.
P.S.-all the personal part in the post is partly is not to be taken seriously.....;)
(1.i was never a dumbass
2.i never flashed my gums!!!!)

Monday, 30 January 2012

i am a student....

Its 3 o clock,
And i cant get to sleep,
As i walk the block,
I have appointments to keep,
Not that i am a biz-whiz,
Not that i am a crusader,
Not that i have a mistress to kiss,
Not that i am a peacemaker,
But i am a student......
I have appointments with my books,
Yearning for my attention,
Long deprived of which,
Are kept in the shelves for an eternal,
And now that the exams have invaded,
I have to guard against them,
The books are my soldiers,
But i need to muster them.
Oh demon examination,
I admit i am terror stricken,
Thou subjects are scary,
with the weightage they carry,
but i am no chicken,
i have my armour sharpened,
i will hail thou thundering storm,
i will win my credits,
i will battle thou feisty form,
i will push my limits.
I swear to god,
At the end of the war,
I will emerge as winner,
With a performance a par .
The battle would end,
But not the fight,
I know you will b back,
And i will wait for you,
Once again to defeat .
You would seek redemption,
But i am here to deny,
You would return to action,
I m gonna kick you good bye.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

the great indian joint family

I have recently been to my brother’s marriage......and in all the chaos i noticed the working of the great institution of marriage in binding another great institution of the Indian culture-the family. It is very often said that marriage is the unison of two souls.....marriage is also about getting together of two separate families. However, i would like to point out about how marriage brings one “long-lost” family together. My parents flew from cousin brother flew from cousin sister came from was like a family reunion. How often do we get to see all this in the age of nuclear family?? Having brought up in a nuclear family i witnessed as to why the joint families were so preferred back then. It’s fun 24x7!!! To be around your bros, sis, parents, uncles, aunts, siblings all at once. Yes, there are many more things living in a joint family on a regular basis......there is lack of privacy, not enough personal space etc etc. With times we all have evolved as independent beings....maybe that’s why we prefer nuclear family unlike our previous generations. Whatever it is, being a part of a joint family once in a while is really fun.......enjoyed to the hilt.....:)

Friday, 13 January 2012

The JOURNEY.....

The other day i was watching the English television series “how i met your mother”....and the protagonist was having problems with his plans about life. He had planned a super successful life along with a family life but clearly he was struggling with both. That’s when he was made understood that in life the end points do not matter as much as the journey does......which is true indeed. How many times has it happened that we spent hours planning something and that event turns out some other way?? it has happened to me many many fact it almost happens every time to me. My roomie says “mere life me maine aj tak jo bhi plan kiya hai wo kabhi nai hua hai.”
Well, many a times we all know what those end points of the journey are going to be but still we fail to enjoy the journey because we try to reach the end of the expedition without going through the adventures and the fallouts. Once the voyage is set in motion it is bound to end somewhere.....but what we completely do not notice is that we are far too much focussed on the outcome than the things that lead us to the end.  We miss the little joys in the journey. It’s actually a very simple concept......sample this.....after four years of college when we would be reminiscing our college life we would not recall how perfectly we studied or how perfectly we obeyed our teachers......but we would fondly remember any case of us breaking rules and regulations and facing the consequences. We all want our life to be perfect....but believe me perfect is very’s like we know what’s gonna happen takes all the suspense out of the future. It’s the disorder in life that makes it exciting and worth remembering.
Enjoy the trek in your life....even if you slip....ultimately you will scale the peak.....and when you reach there you would only be remembering the slips.....the true journey.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Public Display of Affection.....a juvenile crime??

The new generation has outgrown the older ones in many fields......many desirable and many undesirable.....and many questionable. One of them is the Public Display of Affection a.k.a PDA........does this ring a bell in your mind?? How many times have you kissed your girlfriend sitting on the park’s bench?? How many times have you held her hands in your hands and walked down a public place inviting weird looks??  If yes, then you have qualified for a so-called juvenile crime called PDA. Only yesterday i found myself in such a situation where i was walking down a lane with a girl and i noticed whoever was passing by us were stealing a glance as if we were committing a crime....!! i was neither kissing her nor was i holding her hands.....yet i was made feel as if i was doing something wrong. That’s when i thought to write this.
Our generation has everything heightened about them. When they are happy they party as hard as possible, when they are sad they go into depression very easily.....we seldom plan our future as our parents did....we are more of living in the present and enjoying it to the fullest. So, even when it comes to emotions they are too huge to be hidden even in the that’s why PDA!!
Mind you, i am not advocating PDA......all i want to say is it’s not bad and is certainly not an act of offence. It can be over the line sometimes.......but maximum times it is blown out of proportion. PDA is good enough when it is done within limits. It is just awkward in the Indian culture to witness a PDA . And to all those for whom its awkward to witness a pda......the western culture becomes the easy target!! Why everyone does have to point out western culture for anything that is “out of culture”?? if we like western culture then there’s a reason to it also....why can’t people appreciate the good points in it and try to avoid the bad ones?? Nothing in this world is perfect....and so is culture.
PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION is no evil....if there is an evil at all then it’s in our heads that is making us believe that a harmless display of emotions threatens our centuries old bona fide culture.